"...Ich töte mich jedesmal aufs Neue, doch ich bin unsterblich, und ich erstehe wieder auf; in einer Vision des Untergangs..."
Duracion: 43:40
Gerrit Fischer: Guitarra en "Time stands still..." y "Do you know my Name ?"
Varney: Voz, todos los demás instrumentos y programación
Lista de Canciones:
1 - Travel on Breath (the Breath of the World) - 3:46
2- Falling into different Flesh - 5:14
3 - Birth - Fiendish Figuration - 5:00
4 - Tanz der Grausamkeit ("Dance of cruelty") - 5:37
5 - Im Garten des Nichts (a secret Light in the Garden of my Void) ("In the garden of nothingness") - 10:51
6 - Time stands still... (...but stops for no-one) - 8:42
7 - Do you know my Name ? (Falling... - reprise) - 4:17
Re-issue bonus tracks
8 - Penance & Pain - 6:21
9 - Holy Water Moonlight - 5:49
10 - Beautiful Thorn - 5:00
11 - The Feast of Blood - 2:37
12 - Dark Delight (dedicated to Victor Bertrand. Performed live without audience... - for the Dead.) - 4:46
13 - Baptisma - 4:45
14 - Birth - Fiendish Figuration ("The inner Hell" - orig. demo) - 5:28
Todeswunsch - Sous le soleil de Saturne
Duracion: 74:49
Gerrit Fischer: Guitarra en "Soror Sui Excidium", "Drama der Geschlechtslosigkeit (part 2)" y"Only the Dead in the Mist"
Varney: Voz, todos los demás instrumentos y programación
Lista de Canciones:
1 - Flesh Crucifix (Suffering from Objectivity) - 1:52
2 - Die Bruderschaft des Schmerzes (Die Unbegreiflichkeit des Dunklen Pfades, den die Kinder Saturns gehen)" ("The Brotherhood of Pain (The incomprehensibility of the dark path, that the children of Saturn go)") - 5:49
3 - Shadowsphere (The Monologue-World and the subconscious Symbols): part one - 5:02
4 - Shadowsphere (The Monologue-World and the subconscious Symbols): part two - 2:35
5 - Saltatio Crudelitatis (Tanz der Grausamkeit, vers.)" ("Dance of cruelty (Dance of cruelty, vers.)") - 5:47
6 - Just a Song without a Name - 0:28
7- Soror Sui Excidium (Geliebte Schwester Selbstzerstörung) ("The destruction of his sister (Beloved sister of self-destruction)") - 4:35
8. "Le Théâtre de la Blessure sacrée" ("The theatre of the sacred wound") - 2:58
9 - The Devil's Instrument - 5:18
10 - Todeswunsch (vers.) ("Death wish (vers.); Cat Stevens) - 5:38
11 - Drama der Geschlechtslosigkeit (part 1) (Drama of asexuality (part 1) - 2:05
12 - freitod-Phantasien (suicide-Fantasies) - 3:23
13 - Drama der Geschlechtslosigkeit (part 2) (Drama of asexuality (part 2) - 5:10
14 - Saturn-Impressionen (Saturn-Impressions) - 2:47
15 - Somnabulist's secret Bardo-Life (Does the Increase of Pain invite the Absence of Time?) - 4:17
16 - Not dead but dying - 5:11
17 - Only the Dead in the Mist - 5:12
18 - This profane Finality - 4:35
19 - Cage within a Cage... (...within a Cage within a Cage...) - 1:59
The Inexperienced Spiral Traveller
Duracion: 72:11
1 - The inexperienced Spiral Traveller: * a fragment II * - 5:07
2 - Ein freundliches Wort... (...hat meine Seele berührt.) (defined and fragile) (A kind word... (...has touched my soul.) - 5:10
3 - Memalon II - 7:25
4 - The Innocence of Devils: "Alone (E. A. Poe) - 6:27
5 - Modela est (The Model; Ralf Hütter, Karl Bartos, Emil Schult) - 4:35
6 - Birth (instr.) - 2:49
7 - Feralia Genitalia (Arrival of the Jugglers) - 6:30
8 - Menuetto - 1:26
9 - Saturn-Impressionen (Jusa, Jusa) (Saturn-Impressions (Jusa, Jusa) - 2:48
10 - May I kiss your Wound ? (Saturn:Orion) - 6:05
11 - Alone II - 6:55
12 - The inexperienced Spiral Traveller: * a fragment II * (instr.) 5:08
Una Fallada: Violín
Matthias Eder: Violonchelo
Gerrit Fischer: Guitarra
Constanze Spengler: Lute
Anna-Varney Cantodea: Voces, todos los demás instrumentos y programación
Lista de Canciones:
1 - Sylla'borêal (Embracing the Dead Prior to the Service) - 5:05
2 - Question(s) Beyond Terms (Who Is Confronting the Impossible?) - 5:44
3 - C'ayllagher a Dom'bhrail (There Is No Need to Remind Me) - 0:58
4 - To a Loyal Friend (anonymous 16th century Italian composition; arr. Sopor Aeternus) - 6:58
5 - Never Trust the Obvious (or: The Innocence of Devils) - 6:52
6 - The Inexperienced Spiral Traveller: * a fragment * - 5:08
7 - Memalon - 7:24
8 - Memories Are Haunted Places (Birth - Fiendish Figuration, vers.) - 5:42
9 - Die Widerspenstigkeit Unerwünschter Gedanken (The Recalcitrance of Unwanted Thoughts) - 2:32
10 - Synchronicity (to Saturn: Orion) - 0:27
11 - Totenlicht (Infant in the Face of Time) (Deadlight) - 6:02
12 - Ein Freundliches Wort... (...hat Meine Seele Berührt.) (A kind word... (...has touched my soul.) - 5:11
13 - Die Toten Kehren Wieder Mit dem Wind (The Dead Return again with the Wind - 2:55
14 - May I Kiss Your Wound? - 5:47
15 - Ein Gütiges Lächeln auf den Gesichtern der Toten... (A Kind Smile on the Faces of the Dead...) - 5:08
Voyager: The Jugglers of Jusa
Neo-Medieval, Neoclassical. Darkwave, Gothic Rock
Duracion: 60:25
Lista de Canciones:
Una Fallada: Violín
Matthias Eder: Violonchelo
Gerrit Fischer: Guitarra
Constanze Spengler: Lute
Anna-Varney Cantodea: Voces, todos los demás instrumentos y programación
1 - The inexperienced Spiral Traveller: * a fragment II * - 5:07
2 - Ein freundliches Wort... (...hat meine Seele berührt.) (defined and fragile) (A kind word... (...has touched my soul.) - 5:10
3 - Memalon II - 7:25
4 - The Innocence of Devils: "Alone (E. A. Poe) - 6:27
5 - Modela est (The Model; Ralf Hütter, Karl Bartos, Emil Schult) - 4:35
6 - Birth (instr.) - 2:49
7 - Feralia Genitalia (Arrival of the Jugglers) - 6:30
8 - Menuetto - 1:26
9 - Saturn-Impressionen (Jusa, Jusa) (Saturn-Impressions (Jusa, Jusa) - 2:48
10 - May I kiss your Wound ? (Saturn:Orion) - 6:05
11 - Alone II - 6:55
12 - The inexperienced Spiral Traveller: * a fragment II * (instr.) 5:08
Dead Lovers' Sarabande (Face One)
Darkwave, Gothic Rock, Folk
Duracion: 64:23
Katrin Ebert: Violín
Martin Höfert: Violonchelo
Johannes Knirsch: Contrabajo
Eric Santie-Laa: Cor anglais
Peter Hergert: Trompeta, trombón
Eugene de la Fontaine: Tuba, oboe
Martin Hoffman: Guitarras
Anna-Varney Cantodea: Voces, todos los demás instrumentos y programación
Lista de Canciones:
1 - Across the Bridge - 4:44
2 - On Satur(n)days we used to sleep - 8:58
3 - Hades "Pluton" - 6:12
4 - Sieh', mein Geliebter, hier hab' ich Gift (Here, my love, I have the poison) - 6:22
5 - Ich wollte hinaus in den Garten (I wanted to go out into the garden) - 8:32
6 - Gebet: an die glücklichen Eroberer (Prayer: The happy conqueror) - 2:49
7- Lament/Totenklage (Lament/Lament for the dead) - 8:18
8 - The Sleeper (by Edgar Allan Poe) - 11:57
9 - Die Knochenblume (The boneflower) - 1:05
10 - Inschrift/Epitaph (Inscription/Epitaph) - 3:27
11 - All good Things are Eleven - 2:49
Dead Lovers' Sarabande (Face Two)
Duracion: 59:35
Katrin Ebert: Violín
Martin Höfert: Violonchelo
Johannes Knirsch: Contrabajo
Eric Santie-Laa: Cor anglais
Doreena Gor: Fagote
Michael Schmeißer: Trompeta
Carsten Weilnau: Trombón
Eugene de la Fontaine: Tuba, oboe
Thomas Langer: Guitarras
Anna-Varney Cantodea: Voces, todos los demás instrumentos y programación
Lista de Canciones:
1 - Abschied (orig. words & lyrics by NICO) (Farewell; Christa Päffgen) - 7:01
2 - The Dog Burial - 1:15
3 - The House is empty now - 2:54
4 - No-one is there - 6:41
5 - Procession/Funeral March - 6:44
6 - Va(r)nitas, vanitas... (...omnia vanitas) (Varney, vanity... (...all is vanity) - 9:05
7 - The Hourglass - 2:22
8 - Transfiguration - 5:20
9 - Has he come to test me? - 2:09
10 - If Loneliness was all - 8:40
11 - Daffodils - 7:22
Songs from the Inverted Womb
Duracion: 72:33
Katrin Ebert: Violín
Martin Höfert: Violonchelo
Johannes Knirsch: Contrabajo
Jutta Sinsel: Clarinete, oboe
Guido Spitz: Fagote, contrabajo
Alexander Gröb: Trompeta
Carsten Weilnau: Trombón
Eugene de la Fontaine: Tuba
Simon-Tobias Ostheim: Batería, percusión
Anna-Varney Cantodea: Voces, todos los demás instrumentos y programación
Lista de Canciones:
1 - Introduction: Something Wicked this Way comes... - 4:42
2 - Tales from the inverted Womb - 4:48
3 - Do you know about the Water of Life ? - 4:49
4 - ...And Bringer of Sadness - 6:45
5 - Résumé... - 8:28
6 - Totes Kind / Little dead Boy (Dead child / Little dead Boy) - 7:18
7 - May I kiss your Wound ? - 7:00
8 - Saturn devouring his Children - 7:02
9 - There was a Country by the Sea - 12:03
10 - Little velveteen Knight - 5:52
11 - Eldorado (by Edgar Allan Poe) - 3:42
Es reiten die Toten so schnell
Darkwave, Clasico
Darkwave, Clasico
Duracion: 65:33
Chris Wilson: Violín
Elizabeth Tollington: Violonchelo
Marcus Cornall: Contrabajo, bajo eléctrico
Tonia Precio: Clarinete
Eugene de la Fontaine: Oboe
Eric Santie-Laa: Cor anglais
Doreena Gor: Fagote
James Cunningham: Trompeta
Julian Turner: Trombón
Joan Sweet: Tuba
Paul Brook: Batería
Anna-Varney Cantodea: Voces, todos los demás instrumentos y programación
Lista de Canciones:
1 - Omen Sinistrum (Inauspicious omen) - 2:46
2 - Dead Souls - 7:04
3 - Stake of my Soul - 3:01
4 - Beautiful Thorn - 5:14
5 - Baptisma - 6:37
6 - The Feast of Blood - 3:35
7 - Sopor Fratrem Mortis Est (Sleep is the brother of Death) - 5:33
8 - The Dreadful Mirror - 5:53
9 - Reprise - 3:41
10 - Birth - Fiendish Figuration - 2:52
11 - Penance & Pain - 4:26
12 - Holy Water Moonlight - 5:11
13 - Infant - 0:51
14 - Über den Fluss (Across the river) - 2:04
15 - Dark Delight - 6:43
La Chambre d'Echo
Duracion: 71:58
Chris Wilson: Violín
Susannah Simmons: Violín
Liz Hanks: Violonchelo
Miriam Hughes: Flauta
Tonia Precio: Clarinete
Andrew Pettitt: Oboe
Doreena Gor: Fagote
James Cunningham: Trompeta
Tim Barber: Trompeta
Julian Turner: Trombón
Anthony Bartley: Tuba
Paul Brook: Batería
Anna-Varney Cantodea: Voces, todos los demás instrumentos y programación
Lista de Canciones:
1 - The Encoded Cloister - 4:44
2 - Backbone Practise - 6:00
3 - Idleness & Consequence - 5:08
4 - Beyond the Wall of Sleep - 3:31
5 - Imhotep (Schwarzer Drache mischt einen Sturm) (Imhotep (Black Dragon Mixes Up a Storm) - 4:48
6 - Hearse-shaped Basins of Darkest Matter - 3:57
7 - Interlude - The Quiet Earth - 8:34
8 - We Have a Dog to Exercise - 5:50
9 - The Lion's Promise - 4:52
10 - Leeches & Deception - 9:11
11 - The Skeletal Garden - 4:05
12 - Feed the Birds - 0:21
13 - Consolatrix Has Left the Building - 4:34
14 - Day of the Dead - 6:23
The Goat / The Bells Have Stopped Ringing
Duracion: 9:08
Alexander Gröb: Trompeta
Carsten Weilnau: Trombón
Eugene de la Fontaine: Tuba
Anna-Varney Cantodea: Voces, todos los demás instrumentos y programación
Lista de Canciones:
Lado A
1 - The Goat - 4:04
Lado B
1 - The Bells have stopped ringing - 5:04
Les Fleurs du Mal
Darkwave, Gothic
Darkwave, Gothic
Naomi Koop: Violín
Susannah Simmons: Violín
Liz Hanks: Violonchelo
Miriam Hughes: Flauta
Andrew Piper: Clarinete
Mike Davis: Oboe, cor anglais
Doreena Gor: Fagote
Daniel Robson: Trompeta
Fenton Bragg: Trombón
Eugene de la Fontaine: Tuba
Bert Eerie: Batería
Terence Bat: Batería
Coro de la Colegiata de Santa María de Warwick: Vocales, coros
Anna-Varney Cantodea: Voces, todos los demás instrumentos y programación, Letras y musica escritas
Lista de Canciones:
1 - Architecture (All that's erected … are … walls) - 3:35
2 - Always within the Hour - 8:29
3 - In der Palästra (In the Palaestra) - 7:13
4 - A little Bar of Soap - 1:27
5 - Bitter Sweet (Brian Ferry, Andy Mackay) - 5:35
6 - Our Lady of the Broken Hearts - 0:50
7 - La Mort d'Arthur (The Death of Arthur) - 3:01
8 - The Simple Joys of Maidenhood - 3:42
9 - Helvetia Sexualis - 10:08
10 - Les Fleurs Du Mal (The flowers of evil) - 8:29
11 - Shave, if you love me - 6:50
12 - Some Men are like Chocolate - 5:20
13 - The Virgin Queen - 11:41
Sanatorium Altrosa
Naomi Koop: Violín
Susannah Simmons: Violín
Liz Hanks: Violonchelo
Miriam Hughes: Flauta
Andrew Piper: Clarinete
Mike Davis: Oboe, cor anglais
Doreena Gor: Fagote
Daniel Robson: Trompeta
Fenton Bragg: Trombón
Eugene de la Fontaine: Tuba
Bert Eerie: Batería
Terence Bat: Batería
Paul Rothwell: Tenor
Edward Bellamy: Choirboy
George Bellamy: Choirboy
Ian Lewis: Choirboy
Mark Williams: Choirboy
Matthew Watson: Choirboy
Sam Swallow: Choirboy
Coro de la Colegiata de Santa María de Warwick: Vocales, coros
Anna-Varney Cantodea: Voces, todos los demás instrumentos y programación
Lista de Canciones:
1 - Consider this: the true Meaning of Love (instr.) - 5:41
2 - Architecture II - 7:23
3 - Shave, if you love me (remix) - 6:47
4 - La Mort d'Arthur (instr.) (The Death of Arthur (instr.) - 3:00
5 - Consider this (orig. version) - 5:37
6 - The Conqueror Worm II (instr.) - 3:48
7 - In der Palästra (instr.) (In the Palaestra) - 7:09
8 - Collision - You May Lie on Your Back, If You Want To ... Even Close Your Eyes to Sleep - 9:45
9 - Les Fleurs du Mal (instr.) (The flowers of evil (instr.) - 5:15
10 - Bitter Sweet (instr.) (Brian Ferry, Andy Mackay) - 5:32
11 - Consider this: the true Meaning of Love - 5:39
Children of the Corn
Thomas Haug (violín, # 1-3)
Nikos Mavridis (violín, # 4-7)
Tim Ströble (violonchelo)
Uta Ferson (clarinete)
Eric Cheng (fagot)
Olegg Mancoviczs (oud)
Eugene de la Fontaine (tuba)
Burt Eerie, Terence Bat (batería)
Todos los demás instrumentos y voces realizadas y / o programadas por Anna-Varney Cantodea.
Lista de Canciones:
1 - Children of the Corn - 07:20
2 - Bis zum Hahnenschrei - 05:36
3 - Cornflowers - 05:51
4 - The Curse of the Mummy - 04:03
5 - Night of the Scarecrow - 04:44
6 -To walk behind the Rows - 06:15
7 - Harvest Moon (Cornflowers II) - 05:49
Have You Seen This Ghost?
NeoClasico, Darkwave
Duracion: 1:14:21
Lista de Canciones:
1 - I Don't Believe in Ghosts - 4:17
2 - One Day My Prince Will Come - 7:20
3 - Cornucopia d'Amour (Füllhorn der Liebe) (Cornucopia of love) - 4:29
4 - It Is Safe to Sleep Alone (Marianne Faithfull, Angelo Badalamenti, Frank McGuiness) - 5:57
5 - Hello (Lionel Richie) - 7:58
6 - At the Stroke of Midnight Gently - 1:44
7 - Starlight Seen Through Veils of Tears - 6:37
8 - Powder - 5:39
9 - Angel of the Golden Fountain - 6:03
10 - Where the Ancient Laurel Grows - 5:54
11 - I Fell for One (who loved me not) - 2:34
12 - Holding Out for a Hero (Dean Pitchford, Jim Steinman) - 6:40
13 - The Hours of Sadness - 9:25
NeoClasico, Darkwave
Duracion: 1:14:21
Sopor Aeternus
Anna-Varney Cantodea: voz, todos los demás instrumentos, programación, mezcla
Músicos adicionales:
Thomas Haug: violín
Tim Ströble: violonchelo
Fenton Bragg: trombón
Wayne Coer: trompeta
Eugene de la Fontaine: tuba
Uta Ferson: clarinete
Benjamin Dover: oboe
Eric Chen: fagot
Olegg Mancovicz: balalaika, banjo
Burt Eerie: batería
Terence Bat: batería
Patrick Damiani: grabación, mezcla, ingeniería
Lista de Canciones:
1 - I Don't Believe in Ghosts - 4:17
2 - One Day My Prince Will Come - 7:20
3 - Cornucopia d'Amour (Füllhorn der Liebe) (Cornucopia of love) - 4:29
4 - It Is Safe to Sleep Alone (Marianne Faithfull, Angelo Badalamenti, Frank McGuiness) - 5:57
5 - Hello (Lionel Richie) - 7:58
6 - At the Stroke of Midnight Gently - 1:44
7 - Starlight Seen Through Veils of Tears - 6:37
8 - Powder - 5:39
9 - Angel of the Golden Fountain - 6:03
10 - Where the Ancient Laurel Grows - 5:54
11 - I Fell for One (who loved me not) - 2:34
12 - Holding Out for a Hero (Dean Pitchford, Jim Steinman) - 6:40
13 - The Hours of Sadness - 9:25
Poetica (All Beauty Sleeps)
Duracion: 1:19:05
Duracion: 1:19:05
Nikos Mavridis: Violín
Tim Ströble: Violonchelo
Patrick Damiani: Bajo, Lute, Grabación, Mezcla
Jonas Schira: Cornet
Michael Fütterer: Trombón
Patrick Chirilus-Bruckner: Tuba
Robin Schmidt: Dominando
Anna-Varney Cantodea: Voces, Otros instrumentos, Programación, Mezclas
Lista de Canciones:
1 - The Oblong Box - 1:21
2 - Dreamland - 14:24
3 - Eldorado - 5:33
4 - The Sleeper - 11:01
5 - Alone - 5:05
6 - The Conqueror Worm - 5:50
7 - Alone (2) - 7:16
8 - The City in the Sea - 10:45
9 - The Oblong Box (2) - 1:16
10 - The Haunted Palace - 10:16
11 - A Dream Within a Dream - 6:12
Mitternacht - The Dark Night of the Soul
Duracion: 1:08:24
Lista de Canciones:
1 - Mitternacht - 2:22
2 - Beautiful - 8:37
3 - La Prima Vez (Traditional) - 5:33
4 - Bang-Bang (Sonny Bono) - 7:17
5 - The Boy Has Built a Catacomb - 2:16
6 - Carnival of Souls (Verne Langdon) - 3:09
7 - Confessional - 5:58
8 - Under His Light - 7:00
9 - You Cannot Make Him Love You - 2:04
10 - Into the Night (Angelo Badalamenti, David Lynch) - 6:01
11 - If You Could Only Read My Mind - 6:03
12 - It's Just That My Sadness - 4:00
13 -Under His Light (2) - 1:19
14 - Miniature - 6:45
Duracion: 1:08:24
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensemble of Shadows
Anna-Varney Cantodea: Voces, Otros instrumentos, Programación, Mezclas
Músicos adicionales
Nikos Mavridis: Violín
Tim Ströble: Violonchelo
Sebastian Jülich: Fagot
Isabel Funke: Clarinete
Viola Schwartzkopff: Oboe
Jonas Schira: Cornet
Michael Fütterer: Trombón
Patrick Chirilus-Bruckner: Tuba
Patrick Damiani: Bajo, Lute, Grabación, Mezcla
Marcel Millot: Batería
Robin Schmidt: Dominando
Lista de Canciones:
1 - Mitternacht - 2:22
2 - Beautiful - 8:37
3 - La Prima Vez (Traditional) - 5:33
4 - Bang-Bang (Sonny Bono) - 7:17
5 - The Boy Has Built a Catacomb - 2:16
6 - Carnival of Souls (Verne Langdon) - 3:09
7 - Confessional - 5:58
8 - Under His Light - 7:00
9 - You Cannot Make Him Love You - 2:04
10 - Into the Night (Angelo Badalamenti, David Lynch) - 6:01
11 - If You Could Only Read My Mind - 6:03
12 - It's Just That My Sadness - 4:00
13 -Under His Light (2) - 1:19
14 - Miniature - 6:45
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